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ProBoard V2.0
This program is SHAREWARE.
I'm told I must include this following section
for distribution conditions due to the shareware
status of this package.
All rights to the source code, programs and text
belong to, and are held by, Kevin Denniss.
ProBoard (and all variations and associated utilities)
is not in the public domain. It is shareware and a shareware
fee of £10 is requested. This fee entitles the licensee to
the most recent revision of ProBoard, bug fixes, an enhanced
component library and ProBoard-Multi software. In addition,
the licensee is entitled to one subsequent major upgrade for
a reduced fee of £4 including p&p.
ProBoard may be freely distributed, but may not be
included in any commercial package, compilation or
collection, or sold, traded, leased or hired in any form on
any media without express consent of the author.
This package may be compressed and posted on any
electronic distribution service. Specifically, inclusion of
ProBoard on commercial software compilation collections which
are sold for profit is strictly forbidden.
These programs are in no way intended for professional
use. Any damages or losses resulting from inappropriate
application of any or all of this distribution whether
accidental or intentional, are not the responsibility of the
All rights to the source code and programs are reserved.
The ProBoard System
The ProBoard PCB designer is intended to provide the
Amiga user with a quality design package capable of the same
standards of output as the more expensive systems
available for the likes of the PC. I hope I have managed
to achieve this but as ever I'm sure there is plenty
of scope for improvement.
ProBoard was developed after using several different
packages and I feel that for my money this is the best of
the Amiga systems I have tried. Most of the systems I have
seen to date on the Amiga have suffered from being somewhat
non user-friendly and highly temperamental with regards to
producing the old system Guru.
They have also operated in much the same manner as a
paint package meaning that deleting an object means
destroying anything passing 'under' it. ProBoard tackles this
problem by being an object driven package, this does mean
editing can be a little slower than with paint-type programs
but I believe it compares well with other object driven
software of this type.
Please not that this program is shareware so all the
usual restrictions apply (see above).
V2.0 Features
Freehand drawing resolution of 0.005 inches
Full (0.1 inch) or half (0.05 inch) grid snap
Work in 3 scales (imperial, metric, pixels)
Select ANY desired track width (5 preprogrammed)
ANY pad size, plus IC pads
Component creation facilities
Up to 4 track layers and 1 silk screen layer (Multi version)
Boards up to 7.5 x 7.5 inches
The development history of ProBoard is currently quite
short (current version - V2.2).
V1.0 - first release April 1994
V1.1 - Various minor bug fixes, refresh speed increased
approximately 7 fold and grid-snap introduced.
V1.2 - Component save function added.
V1.2M - A new package allowing multi-layer operations.
V2.0 - Totally revised and improved (I hope !) user-
interface allowing smoother more intuitive operations. New
grid pattern and slightly faster refresh.
V2.0M - As above for the multi-layer version
V2.1 - The bug concerning multi-tasking with other
programs fixed. A few other minor errors also fixed.
V2.2 - The BIG one ! PRINT ROUTINE ADDED ! Also a small
change made to the user interface with the addition of the
Options gadget. (Although this probably warranted being
called V3, the print routine was intented to be ready for V1
so it was decided that V2.2 was a more honest rating). A
fault in the component rotation function is also corrected.
Known Bugs
At present the following bugs and limitations apply:
1.) Memory allocation errors are not handled by
ProBoard. This usually means that a shortage of Chip memory
will result in a Guru error.
2.) ProBoard-Multi can load all standard ProBoard files
but not vice-versa.
3.) The print routine does operate via the system
preferences therefore ProBoard should always be run from your
Of course should you find any other bugs or have any
comments about improvements that would be useful please get
in touch.
Future plans
ProBoard is really a continuous development under going
changes whenever I get a good suggestion or I simply feel the
need to play !
Essentially the package was written with my own needs in
mind so you may not always agree with my priorities and
styles of operation - do let me know if you feel a change is
needed. The current plans are basically to bring ProBoard
Multi up to date with the standard version in terms of its
printing system and iron out any remaining bugs.
System Requirements
The program is still untested on many configurations
since I sold my A500 but as far as I know the only
requirements are as follows :
O.S. 1.3 or higher
1Mb memory (at least 512K chip)
Simply put a A500 with 512K expansion. Of course more
memory and a harddrive is always useful but in this case not
vital. A sure-fire way to tell if you are getting low on free
memory is when the program begins to get unusually slow.
A faster processor is also an extremely useful commodity
as the refresh after certain editing operations can be slow
on a basic machine. (An A1200 is good, a 4000 even better)
NOTE : The multi-layer version (ProBoard V2.0M) requires
at least 1.5Mb to operate.
A.) From An Archive :
If this release of ProBoard has have come come to you in
an lha achive then your first step is to de-archive it onto a
disk. Once this is done it is then you must rename that disk
as 'ProBoard:'. ProBoard will now be up and running.
If you have a hard-drive then first create a directory
'ProBoard' on your hard-drive were you want the program to
go. Next de-archive the lha file into this new directory. The
final step is to then add the line below to your start-up
sequence ;
Assign ProBoard: [drive]:ProBoard
e.g. if you put ProBoard on dh1: you enter
Assign ProBoard: dh1:ProBoard
B.) From a floppy :
If this release came to you as a standard disk from a PD
library or friend then ProBoard is already okay to run. In
order to install onto a hard-drive simply create a directory
'ProBoard' (as above) and copy all the files and directories
on the disk into that. Then add the commands given above to
your startup-sequence.
Display Layout and General Information
ProBoard is started from the WorkBench screen in the
normal way, after start-up you will be presented with the
initial screen.
The ProBoard screen itself consists of two sections, the
control window and the edit window, these are described
Note that ProBoard is an 'object orientated' system and
hence only recognises the fixed points of items on the PCB.
ie. when selecting a track ProBoard will look for the nearest
end point rather than the line between them.
1. The Control Window
The top portion is the control window where system
messages, mouse coordinates and other control functions are
displayed. It has the format shown below;
| | | C |
| A | B |----------|
| | | D |
Section A is where function specific commands are
displayed, initially this is blank.
Section B will display certain 'system help' messages,
intended to help guide you around the editing procedures.
Section C displays your current mouse coordinates with
reference to the top left hand corner of the PCB. While ever
you are outside the Edit window (see next section) this will
be zeroed.
Section D here the current measurement scale is
displayed. There are three available, selection of your
preferred units will be described further on in this manual.
Section E across the top of the window states the
current file being edited. The current edit mode is displayed
in the right hand side.
2. The Edit Window
The lower section is the edit window where the PCB
currently under design is displayed. This view point can be
scrolled around the PCB area by use of the four cursor keys.
For any PCB there is a maximum size of 7.5 x 7.5 inches, this
should be ample for virtually any application.
The Main Menus
There are four menus available in the ProBoard menu bar,
each has its own functions as described below.
1. Project Menu
New - This will open a new file in memory allowing work
on a new PCB to commence.
Load - Loads in an existing PCB file. On selection of
this function you will be presented with a file requester
from which your selection can be made.
Save - Saves a file in the standard ProBoard format.
Again a requester will be displayed and a selection can be
Save As - This allows files to be saved in two formats
other than the standard.
ILBM : Interleaved Bitmap, this allows the PCB
to be loaded into other packages such as
DPaint and other printing systems.
NOTE: Once saved in this format the file
cannot be loaded back into ProBoard, so
always save from the 'SAVE' entry as
Component : allows the current PCB to be saved
as a component file. This means that the
file can then be used as a component in
future PCB's. Note that tracks can not
be used in components. See 'Components'.
Print - Prints the PCB to your printer, you will be
given the choice of which layers to print, a layer is active
and will be printed only if its lable is highlighted blue.
About - try it and see !
Quit - Just that.
2. Move Menu
This menu controls the rate at which the cursor keys
scroll the Edit window display. There are three levels
There also exists a centring function to short-cut to
the centre of the PCB.
3. Edit Menu
Extra information on the use of each of the options
within the edit menu can be found in the section 'Edit
Track - Allows editing of track patterns onto the PCB.
Pad - Used for pad placement/editing.
Component - Allows use of predefined components.
4. OverLay Menu
Active - Turns the overlay on and off, used prior to an
ILBM save for PCB printing.
Box - Allows editing of boxes to the overlay pattern.
See 'Overlay Editing'.
Circle - Provides circle editing for the overlay.
Line - Renders line to the overlay pattern.
5. Preferences Menu
Scale - this allows changing of the scale used for the
coordinate display system. There are three separate choices.
Imperial (inches)
Metric (centimetres)
Refresh - Refreshes the Edit window display. Useful if
the image has become corrupted due to multiple alterations.
Grid Snap - This provides a reference grid of 0.1 inch
spacing (I.C. pin spacing) over the PCB. There are two levels
of 'snap' to grid available, 0.1 inch and 0.05 inch. The
latter being of use when trying to squeeze tracks between
Workbench On - Enables Workbench
Workbench Off - Disables Workbench (used to save memory)
Common Edit Functions
On selection of any of the functions from the edit or
overlay menu you will be presented with a group of command
gadgets across the control window. Although these will depend
on the function chosen there are some commands that are
common to all the available functions. These common elements
are as described below, selection of any of the gadgets will
result in the others being switch off (they will become
'hashed' in appearance) until EXIT is selected.
NEW - allows placement of a new object. To put the
object onto the PCB move the mouse to the desired point in
the edit window (using the cursor keys where required) and
click with the right button. If the object is a component
then you will first be presented with a list of those
available. Selection of an objects size and/or orientation is
described in the section about that object. See later.
CHANGE - This function will allow changing of a selected
items features (dependant on what that object is). To select
an object for change simply point at it with the mouse and
click the left button, the change options will then be
DELETE - will delete an object from the PCB. After
selection of this option you should simply point to the
desired object and click with the right mouse button.
MOVE - used to move an object from one position to the
next. In the case of Pads and components this option requires
you to first click on the object you wish to move and then
click on the new position you wish to move it to. The
procedure for tracks is a little different. You must first
select the track you wish to change in the normal way, and
then click on the end you wish to move, then you can perform
the final click on the new position. ProBoard will then re-
evaluate the track between the new points.
EXIT - This is used for two purposes. The first is to
exit the current function back to the original (start-up)
screen and menus. The second will exit the current editing
command and return use of the control gadgets. Consider you
are currently working on a PCB in the MOVE command of the PAD
function. One click on EXIT will leave MOVE and allow
selection of another command, two clicks will exit back to
the menu screen for selection of Load, Save, Track etc.
OPTIONS - This gadget is only active on certain
functions, it allows the user to change the characteristics
of the object he/she is editing without having to exit and
then re-enter the function.
Track Editing
Within the track function there exists the following
possibilities in the NEW and CHANGE options:
1 2 3 4 5 - Located at the top of the track options
window, these gadgets represent the size at which the track
will drawn. They operate in the same manner as old radio
buttons, selection of one will cancel the old value, thus
changing the size you wish to work in is a simple matter of
clicking on the desired value. Below these gadgets there is a
rectangular box containing a set of figures. These show the
width of the track in your chosen scale, you may also click
in this box to change the width to ANY desired size.
At the bottom of the window can be found the orientation
options. Clicking on one of the symbols << or >> will change
the text shown which represents the orientation of the track.
The possibilities are as follows:
direct - The track will be drawn
directly from the first
point to the second
along a straight line.
Manhattan 1 - Here the track will
be drawn first along the
x and then along the y
axis allowing tracks to
bend at right angles
only (Manhattan geometry)
Manhattan 2 - Basically this is the
same as Manhattan One
except that the track is
drawn along the y axis
first and then the x axis.
The best way to get the hang of these options is to
put a few pads down and then experiment in
connecting them up.
Pad Editing
Within the pad function there are following
possibilities :
1 2 3 4 5 - Again located at the top of the control
window, these gadgets represent the size at which the pad
will drawn. They operate in the same radio button manner as
for tracks. Note that again the box below gives pad diameter
and allows entering of sizes of your own choice.
I.C. ROUND - These allow selection of whether the pad
will be a standard round type (size determined by the gadgets
above) or an I.C. pad (no sizing options).
Horizontal Vertical - These can be found at the bottom
of the window. Clicking on the symbols << or >> will change
the text shown which controls the orientation of IC pads. The
possibilities are vertical or horizontal.
Component Editing
The component function has only one command available in
the CHANGE function, namely that of ROTATION. This has the
effect of rotating the selected component to the value shown
on the radio buttons to the right of the window.
The two current possibilities are 90° (quarter of a turn
clockwise), 180° (half a turn clockwise) and 270° (three
quarters of a turn clockwise). Operation of the function is
otherwise a simple matter of clicking on the component you
wish to rotate and the PCB will be re-drawn accordingly.
OverLay Editing
Editing of the overlay pattern is performed by three
different operations - Box, Circle and Line.
Line editing is performed in exactly the same manner as
track editing except that there are no size or orientation
Box editing is again very much the same. You just
specify two opposite corners of the box as asked and the box
will be drawn. This section uses the same CHANGE commands as
in component editing.
Circle, again all options are standard, the circle is
defined by clicking in the centre of the required position
and then at any point on the required radius.
ProBoard is supplied with a range of predefined
components already on the disk. However this list is by no
means representative of the entire range of PCB mounted
components available (that would run into thousands). It is
therefore possible to define your own. To do this simply
create you component using the Pad and Overlay options (you
can include any predefined components as well if need be) and
select the COMPONENT format before save. Note that components
cannot contain tracks, they will be stripped out on saving.
On saving you will be asked for the filename (by the
usual requester) and then be asked for the component 'handle'
or origin. This is the point around which the component is
based and is used for positioning and rotating of the
Note that if, after using the component for a while, you
wish to change the handle or add bits to it you can. Simply
load in the component and then re-save with the new handle
Final Comments
That basically finishes all there is to say about the
operation of ProBoard except to say that if you should find
and bugs or problems you think I should know about, please
let me know.
A big thank-you should go to Rick Hartley for his
enthusiastic testing and comments without which I'm sure
ProBoard would not be with you now !
You can reach me by sending a letter to the following
K. Denniss
166, Clumber Street
Princes Avenue
North Humberside
c/o 61, Checkstone Avenue
(Either one of these addresses will reach me okay,
but the Hull address is best during University
term time and the Doncaster one at all others.)
Alternatively if your are on Packet Radio send your messages
to: G7DEE @ GB7CWS
Please remember that this program is Shareware and if you
want to receive any future upgrades and support then you must
register as a user. A fee of £10.00 is all this takes and
future bug fixes and additions to the component library will
be released to you free of charge along with ProBoard-Multi,
a multi-layer version capable of producing double sided and
multi-layered boards (Note that this version requires about
1.5Mb to run).
Thank you !
Kevin. (G7DEE)